Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dealing With Stress Naturally!

Being in the middle of a move, I realized how stressful it can all be. Balancing work, moving, all the details, packing, a puppy, relationships, etc. can all get to you really fast! Stress from moving, work, emotional and relationship issues, life issues and many more things can cause us to feel drained, leaving us with less energy, irritable, angry, depressed and many other things!

I wanted to take a break this time from cruelty-free beauty, fashion, and makeup, and talk about natural ways to de-stress!

So what to do to eliminate the stress? There are some great natural remedies to help you feel de-stressed in no time!

1. Exercise- the release of endorphins once you get going on that run or walk, or whatever you choose to workout, will help to ease your mind in no time.

2. Drink Tea- tea has been shown to have soothing effects on anyone, even black tea, which has some amount of caffeine, though small. Any kind of tea, black, earl grey, chamomile, lemon, can all do the trick!

3. Bath/shower- taking a bath with some epsom salt, or a nice hot invigorating shower can help relieve muscular stress, thus helping you to loosen up. Plus feeling fresh always makes you feel good!

4. Yoga- yoga which means joining of the mind and body in Sanskrit, has been shown to help balance the mind and body, and this has even been shown scientifically.

5. Gardening- getting out in nature, and tending to plants along with weeding, digging, pulling, and lifting can get physical yet with a nurturing touch. This is a great way to be one with nature, and get some stress out!

6. Play with a pet!- dogs, cats, animals- they have been shown to help decrease depression, soothe stress, and in general make people feel happy. They usually have so much UNCONDITIONAL love, which requires very little. The loyalty, love and affection can take your mind off whatever happened at work, or whatever is on your mind, leaving you feeling more relaxed and happy! :-)

7. Do what you love- Have a hobby? Love to dance, sing, see movies? Do these things esPECially when you are stressed. Taking your mind off those stressors won't be so hard when you are doing what you love.

8. Journal- Sometimes its so easy to forget what we are even feeling, when we get that busy. Journaling will help us express our emotions in a safe outlet, and gives you a better understanding and perspective as to what happened, and what you can do about it.

9. Talk to an unbiased, non-judgemental, positive uplifting friend. And this could be a friend, your mother, your sister, brother, whoever you implicitly trust and feel you can let your guard down in front of. Having a good sounding board can help you let it all out, and feel better about yourself and not as stressed once you release it.

10. Pray/meditate- you may be agnostic, atheistic, somewhat or very religious, or spiritual. Whatever your orientation, reaching out to that higher energy, helps us to somehow feel we are one, and giving your stress to this power has been something people have done for centuries. It has a stress-releasing effect like no other.

11. Accupuncture- they really got it right in China with the art of accupuncture. Sure, just like you, I was doubtful that needles in my body would be anything but good for me, but BELIEVE me- this method of stress-relief is EXTREMELY effective. Not only does it relax you, your muscles, and entire body, but it has been known to CURE things like migraines, health issues, infertility, nerve problems and so on.

12. Massage- Ohhhhh yeah! You know it. Massage- for most of us, the very word feels good! This great thing called massage is not just fabulous and amazing- it is actually phenomenal for your musculus-skeletal system, the lymphatic system, the nervous system, your blood circulation, and your body's detoxification. Try to do this whenever you can. Its a luxury that's GREAT for you!

Naturally relieving stress can be easier than we may have thought!  These are some great things you can do to relieve stress! I hope this helps.

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