Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Chemicals in Your Makeup- 101

This is going to be a multi-part series that talks about the different types of chemicals found in various, if not most, of the makeup and cosmetics that most women and girls use.

Take a look at this picture:

This is just a brief touch on what is going into our bodies and bloodstreams! Can you imagine- it's everything from soaps, shampoos, & lotions to your nailpolish, lipstick, foundation, eye makeup, and so much more!

What's more is that many of us don't know this, and even if we might have heard of some potential risks, we don't really act on it, or make necessary changes to better the situation.

Why? 1. It could be that we don't really believe there are any harmful risks and/or side effects. 2. It could also be we don't know enough because the big-time makeup/cosmetic, shampoo, lotion, nailpolish companies and corporations HIDE these known facts of health risks and side-effects. 3. It could be that we don't have the time to learn about all the potential risks and health dangers that come from these common products 4. We simply believe that if nothing has happened yet, then nothing wil happen in the future.

The last reason is probably the most dangerous, because with cancer, and all types of diseases & allergies on the rise, we are putting ourselves at blind risk.  The information is out there- so we might as well get educated.

That is my main purpose- I really want you guys to understand what is out there in what you use everyday, and hope that you will start to make better choices.

That being said- Glam Girl Naturals is free of parabens, petrochemicals, dyes and preservatives, and all the other chemicals that pose serious health risks and side effects.

Lets start with the first commonly found, problematic ingredient: PARABENS.

What is a Paraben?

Parabens, used are a group of preservatives in almost all cosmetics out there,  are a known endocrine disruptor, as it has oestrogenic properties. When traces of paraben were found in breast cancer tissue, it raised alarm that this may have come from underarm deodorant. As around 57% of cosmetic products contain penetration enhancers such as urea, this can drive any potentially harmful ingredients quickly into the blood stream. Cosmetic ingredients do not sit on the surface of the skin – they are designed to penetrate, therefore, while it may seem that we are using all of these ingredients at safe levels, it is likely that we are being overexposed each day, by the fact that we layer products on our skin – if all of this is absorbed, then the concentration would be anything but safe to our bodies.

Now that you know what this is, are you still willing to risk your health and continue using the same old chemicalized makeup and cosmetics you have been using? Don't you deserve better than that?

If you want to make a better choice, and you want to do better for yourself, there are better alternatives out there, that have all natural ingredients, and are so much better for you. One example is Glam Girl Naturals. Try out Glam Girl Naturals today, at and do something better for yourself!

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